The Magic of Movement

We all need to be reminded to move and to think up of different ways to help ourselves do so. It is important to make sure we get enough movement during the day. More and more people are now working from home which is proving great for their cars and lost commute time, but not […]

Realistic Resolutions

At this time of year, it’s great thinking about what you want to achieve for the year ahead. Niamh Brady, a Productivity Coach, founder of Better Workday and author of Remote Working Essentials gives her advice on how to be realistic and contribute to genuine change. She will challenge you to think differently about managing […]

Maintaining A Healthy Balance Between Work and Home Life.

It would be an understatement to say that so much has changed over the last three years. One of the biggest shifts has been the increased levels of remote working or hybrid jobs that are out there. The realities of this situation can be quite hard to juggle and figure out, but it’s so important […]

The Work Juggle

Work is such a huge part of our lives and contributes to our wellbeing. The past two years have brought a lot of change and many people are moving jobs, looking to re-enter the world of work or simply feeling a bit lost. Ciara from has got some great tips for you on getting back into […]